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Development of Eurasian Freight Metro

A regular meeting of the Railway Silk Road Cities Forum will be held on October 19 in the Forum's headquarters. Topic: Development of Eurasian Freight Metro.

Attendees: Mario Virano, General Manager of Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin – TELT; Bernhard Kunz, Managing Director of HUPAC; Eugenio Muzio, former CEO of CEMAT and CEO of Combitec; Giuseppe Sciarrone, the founder of NTV and CEO of ISC; Eugenio Novario, Head of the Italian branch of the Railway Silk Road Cities Forum; Ernest Sultanov, Forum's Coordinator; Boris Levin, Rector of Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers and Paolo Foietta, High Government Commissioner for Lyon Turin H.S. Railway.

You are invited to join the event to discuss the matters regarding the development of the Eurasian Freight Metro, including the launch of container trains between the Forum's member cities. A film about the New Railway Silk Road will also be presented at the forthcoming event.

The meeting will be held on October 19, 2016 at 11.00 at Corso Regina Margherita 163, Turin.

Download the Announcement (Italian version)