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Roundtable on airports
On February 11 a roundtable on Attracting extra-budgetary funds for airports’ development in the tumultuous environment took place in Moscow. Experts from the Government Expert Council, AT&Kearney, the Federal Air Transport Agency, the Federal Center for Project Finance, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, regional governments and others participated in this important event.
In his speech Ernest Sultanov stressed his attention on the role of integrated mobility for the airports, air companies and last but not the least – for the passengers.
Rail, specially the high speed, should not be considered as an enemy of the aviation. Of course it is limiting short range flights between the cities, well connected by high speed. At the same time it provides a new passengers traffic to the airports. Moreover integration between high speed and airports creates an opportunity for the lowcosters development. Finally Ernest Sultanov focused on the advantages of such integration for the customers – they get not only a better pricing but a better choice as well.