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Yakunin's article on integration in the METR region
Kommersant VLAST magazine in cooperation with MIR Initiative has released the article of the president of JSC «Russian Railways», Vladimir Yakunin named «Transport geopolicy».
In this article, Vladimir Yakunin talks about the new tasks of the transportation sector formed as a result of global economic integration processes, including the METR region.
He pays special attention to the realization of the global transport Russian – Asian projects, especially through the new high speed Silk Road.
Mr Yakunin highly evaluates the international cooperation of railway networks and operators to strengthen joint efforts in decreasing existing barriers for international transport corridors. In this context he is highlighting the vision for the future transport systems in the METR region and the challenges in the political, normative, operational, economical and technical sphere of Railway networks and operators for further development of transport corridors as shared in the MIR WhiteBook by Jan C. Harder, Chairman of the Steering Committee of MIR Initiative and today Sales Director and Member of the Management Board of Molinari Rail AG, Switzerland. Mr Harder was previously Vice President for Business Development in the CIS region of Alstom Transport in Moscow, Russia.